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Lefima 14x12" Ultralight Parade Snare Drum Mk11 8-lug: each
Legendary for over ten years - the Lefima ultra-light drums
Lefima started the beginning of the 21st century with their ultra-light drums, a line of various drum types which set completely new benchmarks in the field of marching percussion.
The use of alternative materials and a unique lug technology made possible a new generation of marching drums with such low weight that this was honored in the Guinnessbook of the Records! Because of the reduced mass attached to the shell, these instruments gain tremendous power that predestines these drums for playing outside.
The ultra-light lugs combine highest operational standard concerning robustness and extremely low weight.
The key factor within the design of the lugs was sturdiness and low weight. The use of aircraft aluminium provided both these qualities leading to extremely low weight and the ability to allow the shell to vibrate freely. The result is a great drum, easy to carry but with exceptional volume and great outdoor projection.